Privacy Policy

  • Who is responsible for data processing?
    • RavenSquad.Army runs a dedicated server for all data processing. No third party services are used aside from Stripe.
  • What data am I processing?
    • Stripe collects data on you, and by using this site in that capacity, you also agree to their Privacy Policy too.
    • Ghost is the open source utility running this website, and as such it collects basic analytics to present to the publication. We use it internally and do not resell that information.
  • Why am I processing it?
    • Ghost allows RavenSquad.Army to run an online publication easily.
  • Where am I processing it?
    • Our servers are hosted with DigitalOcean, and as such, we comply with their Privacy Policy and Terms of Use and by extension you are as well.
  • Who helps me to process it?
    • Stripe is used to process payment information for subscriptions and Ghost is running locally on our servers. No data is transmitted outside of Project Apario LLC.
  • How can my users find out what data I have saved about them?
    • Ghost provides users an interface to comply with these requests. Otherwise, you can send an email to for further assistance.
  • How can they request to delete that information?
    • Send an email to with your email address and the information that you wish to have deleted.
  • What other rights do they have?
    • You can request a copy of your data, but it will be manually processed and the estimated wait time is 187 months, so if you're okay with that slight inconvenience, then you'll receive a copy of your data.

Project Apario LLC reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time in the future without notice.