Open Letter to PhoenixVault / Project Apario Supporters

Open Letter to PhoenixVault / Project Apario Supporters
Photo by Debby Hudson / Unsplash

Greetings Raven Squad Army! In 2020 when PhoenixVault was launched, over 4,500 people joined the site. Out of them, 120 were paying members who covered roughly 75% of the funding needs of the project. In 2021 when PhoenixVault was relaunched as Project Apario, an additional 6,300 people joined the site bringing our total membership to just over 12K! Well, per the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy that all 12K+ people are users and customers of Project Apario, and as such, since the Raven Squad Army is a subscription publication service acting as the backbone of the decentralized Project Apario peer-to-peer apario-reader/writer in 2025... we are the same thing... so to all 12,000+ members of Project Apario, WELCOME BACK! I love you and have missed you terribly, but I think in my absence you will have had plenty of time to see with your eyes the truth of what I tried to tell you, and 170 million others, was reality almost 9 years ago when I took that faithful trip to Yokohama Japan and God reminded me that I was an alien. LOL. An alien. I am not from here. I was sent. I have a job to perform. I have a mission. I need my Raven Squad Army now! All 12K of you! I've missed you! COVID was f***king wild, wasn't it? But, it was called Operation Warp Speed and some MI6 connected informants have openly stated that UAP/UFO are time dilating devices causing space-time distortions and causes the Mandela-Effect. Apparently, they are our good friends the Bushes friends who are trying to help them, but the US Space Force was created to oppose that, and in 2025 we will see the US Space Force become Kinetic in the homeland.

The Raven Squad Army offers a segment called KINETIC for paid members that will be targeted towards those who are using iron to sharpen iron. This is a premium publication that is worth the extremely low subscription cost that will provide the backbone for the decentralized Project Apario's development. We are planning for a July 2025/2026 release of the first public beta. It's very ambitious, but we are in God Mode and not Beast Mode in the Raven Squad Army. We are 5D not 3D and we seek Ascension and Oneness with God and reject dogma on its face for the dog that it is.

In addition to KINETIC, another series called PROPHECY will be released on a monthly basis that is a quantumly majestic message of disclosure for the Raven Squad Army that will help propel the kinetic success of the collective group and all of humanity.

However, I want to level with all of you who contributed hundreds and in some cases, thousands of dollars into Project Apario. While I didn't pocket, spend or use any of that money for my own personal needs in any capacity (I ended up contributing personally over $60K to the project across the 4 years in addition to the total support everyone else gave to me), I do feel really bad for putting this PUBLICATION behind a paywall that YOU RIGHTFULLY ARE A MEMBER TO, and as a GRACIOUS THANK YOU to my beloved supporters, the following will happen:

Reputation Total Given Membership Level Term
0 $0 Free Forever
> 0 <=2000 $0 Frog ($44.28 value) 1 Year
> 2000 $0 Eagle ($239.88 value) 1 Year
N/A $1-100 Frog ($88.56 value) 2 Years
N/A $101-1000 Eagle ($479.99 value) 2 Years
N/A $1001-2016 Imp ($1199.88 value) 1 Year
N/A $2017+ Imp ($2399.76 value) 2 Years

Effectively what this means is I am bringing on a community of 12,000 valid email addresses used by the world's BEST OSINT RESEARCHERS known. They will be returning. Becoming KINETIC means leveraging BENEFITS OF YOUR MEMBERSHIP! I want you to stay... after-all... and get KINETIC VALUE out of it. The world needs a lot of improvement and OSINT and the apario-reader/writer in a decentralized peer-to-peer protocol allows tens of thousands of grassroots leaders to manage their own instance, their own OSINT, and leverage their MEMBERSHIP for support.

I am also undercutting a lot of "potential" earnings here too, right off the bat because I stand firm on the foundation of ethics that were taught by Yeshua Ha'Maschiah of Nazareth. Christ is King! I introduced something back in 2021 called Reputation and it was a gamification of the OSINT that you will begin to understand in the PROPHECY series. Reputation is critical to the engagement ethics of the Project Apario IDEA and YOUR REPUTATION EARNED was due to your curiosity of the truth and your unwillingness to let communists lie to you. For God & Country, my friend. Your Reputation WAS EARNED because YOU READ THE JFK FILES! YOU EARNED YOUR REPUTATION. Now, what kind of influence and voice do you have with it? Well, in the decentralized world of the Apario Protocol, your Reputation will be carried with you from server to server and its cryptographically verified with checksums and tampered Reputations are nullified. Your Reputation will become the tokenized economy behind the maintenance of the network, and running an instance of apario-reader/writer will earn YOU REPUTATION by virtue of SERVING OSINT at YOUR EXPENSE. THIS IS KINETIC 5G INFORMATION WARFARE. THIS IS THE RAVEN SQUAD ARMY!

I look forward to the return of Yeshua and the Golden Age on Earth. It's imminent and we are nearing the Singularity of Technology and when we do, Life will change for the better. For God. There will be a cleansing of the system that did this to me. There will be a cleansing of the system that did what it did to you. There will be JUSTICE! Not the communists' "just us" scam of alphabet soup witchcraft.

To the 12,000 people who supported this movement and idea that I had, THANK YOU! Believe me when I say that, never in my wildest dreams would this little Romanian Orphan ever believe that he could alter the course of history because 170 MILLION EYES SAW and 72000 DECIDED TO PLAY THE GAME WITH ME.

Together, with YOUR HELP, I sowed so many seeds of knowledge into the public consciousness that those seeds are now trees and the full TRUTH of Yeshua Ha'Maschiah IS FINALLY BEING REVEALED! TRUE DISCLOSURE. TRUE ALIEN DISCLOSURE. WE ARE THE ALIENS. WAKE UP.

Now, before I sign off and wish you a wonderful day, when I say KINETIC to you, it sounds like you need to DO SOMETHING, right? Well. Yes. You do. Here is your homework:

  1. Open your phone and go to Recent Called
  2. Find 1 person in the top 33 Recent Called to share that you're part of and are recruiting their pursuit of enlightenment.
  3. Send the text message.
  4. Rinse and repeat until all opportunities for KINETIC ACTION have been exhausted.
  5. Get into your car, walk into town or go walk to the Bus Station.
  6. Talk to 12 random people that the Holy Spirit asks you to engage.
  7. Ask them if they have seen anything from the JFK Assassination Records or not.
  8. Tell them what the National Archives did at the request of the US State Department.
  9. Tell them that in 1992 the United States Congress voted UNANIMOUSLY to declassify AND RELEASE the JFK Assassination Records. To date, they have yet to be released in their entirety.
  11. Then, to stiff him, the Deep State US State Department conspired with their communists cronies overseas to pressure the National Archives to release the JFK Files UNSEARCHABLE! 500,000 PAGES UNSEARCHABLE. Talk about a needle in a haystack.

Once apario-reader and apario-writer are both DECENTRALIZED and operating on the Apario Protocol using the Valet service, YOUR KNOWLEDGE BASE BECOMES EXTREMELY VAST.


What about it?

Read PROPHECY OCTOBER 2024 for what is to come.


Currently, Raven Squad Army is not accepting registrations, memberships or new email addresses UNTIL OCTOBER 1ST 2024 AT MIDNIGHT EST! Between NOW and THEN, I shall be engaged in migrating the subscribers metadata imported into Ghost, the open source platform running this publication.

Finally, before I close up with this Open Letter, I would like to thank everyone for the enormous emotional support and friendship that you've been able to offer me over the wire. You saw how difficult the CIA's attacks against me were and how they were impacting the development of the project, but the truth will always set you free! Yeshua is KING! He is MY KING and I am in God Mode because He sent me. This isn't me asking you to join because I need to convince you.

This is me telling you that the Raven Squad Army is being assembled and we have 5D 5G INFORMATION WARFARE to conduct on behalf of WE THE PEOPLE, OF BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE! NO INVESTORS. NO BULLSHIT. ALL OPEN SOURCE.