KINETIC - November 2024 - Remember Remember The 5th Of November

The Raven Squad Army started in 2024, but the Great Awakening movement officially went viral in October 2015 when Donald J. Trump rode the escalators down at Trump Tower to announce his intention to run for President of the United States of America.
In January 2016, I moved to NH as an eager Bernie Bro who wanted to cast my vote for the communist from Vermont. I was calling myself Michael, drinking Bud Light daily, and walking around with a 6 pack that doesn't attract the right audience. I started a YouTube channel in March 2016 called the Michael Trimm Show and amassed tens of thousands of subscribers in record time. The content was not of high production quality, but the substance was authentic and what people craved for. Consequently, when Wikileaks released the DNC emails that were allegedly leaked by Seth Rich to Julian Assange, it woke in me a giant that I couldn't name. I couldn't bring myself to say my name; Andrei. Literally. After what I went through, I hated what Andrei was so much; and I blamed Andrei for everything that happened to me in my life.
However, Seth Rich's death struck a cord close to my heart as I wept for the loss of such a brave soul. The DNC was rigging the primary against Bernie Sanders and there was nothing that I could do about it. Or so I thought. I prepared videos. I made tweets. I shared the truth that if the popular vote in the DNC primary was respected, Bernie Sanders would have been running against Donald Trump in 2016; not Hillary Clinton.
But, we got Hillary Clinton on the ticket and a week before the election Newsweek publishes Madam President. No. They never thought she would lose. Just like with Kamala; they never thought she would lose. Now, they all lose.
November 2016 rolled around and I was a registered voter in NH and eagerly waiting in line at the polling station; which was a local high school outfitted for the election day with cones paving the driving lanes and signs advertising political campaigns seeking last minute name recognition as the final deal that seals their vote. For me though, I was nervous. I was a Bernie Bro, I didn't like the Trump energy, and I didn't understand what everyone's deal was within the Republican party. I was very much an indoctrinated White Men for Harris type of dude. I enjoyed consuming soy, engaging in degeneracy, and falling away from the world one sin at a time watching my life slip away before my eyes.
My family hated Donald Trump and was never shy to tell me their vocal disapproval of the orange man who went bad to them. However, knowing the weight of my family's control over my life, my heart was racing and beating so fast it felt almost as if it was going to burst out of my shirt; but I picked up the pen and I circled the spot next to Donald Trump's name and at that moment, I felt like a rebel. My heart was racing and I was walking with an err to me that was What did I just do?
Well, President Trump won the election and got inaugurated. During that peaceful transfer of power, I formally joined the Trump Train and I was asking myself, What does it mean to be a Trump supporter? The media has spent overtime trying to tell me that I am a racist, I am sexist, or I am an anti-semite if I like Donald Trump. What do they know about me?
What I know about them, the mainstream media, is they perpetuated a lie against me that brought significant damages to my life that was announcing my name as Michael Trimm to the world instead of as Andrei Trimm; the name that was on my adoption certificate. Instead, what nobody would see for 30 years was a hidden agenda of evil that was seeking to destroy the very essence of what makes me good. My parents were in on the conspiracy. Yours were too. They all seemed to be complicit in it to a certain degree; but I couldn't be sure who was trying to harm me and who was trying to help me. I learned quickly that nobody, literally nobody, was going to help me. The only help I received was the help they needed to help themselves on my behalf for. If the help offered helped them, the help was offered. If the help didn't help them, the help was never offered. Why? Where was God?
President Trump announced during his Inauguration that he was returning power of the Government back to the people. He announced a golden age of innovation and technology that will liberate the world from the misery of disease and that we're going to harness the energies, industries and technologies of the future. It's been 8 years since I was thinking in the same manner; do I vote for Donald Trump?
This time around, its a little different than last time. Last time, Trump truly was the outsider. Last time, the insiders demonstrated a 180 degree shift in their opinion of orange man bad. This time around, Trump is the insider. This time around, their 180 degree flip into insanity by virtue of Donald Trump's name, brought us to where we are today; which is why the Illuminati Game indicated that the Trump Card was going to be the declaration of "enough is enough" that would usher in the end times.
Well... it feels like it, doesn't it? Am I alone in that feeling? Feels like things have been going south for a very long time because its common knowledge that evil rules the world. However, what if evil rules the world because we've all agreed that evil rules the world? What if by virtue of our faith, the just live by faith? Therefore, if evil rules the world, and the just live by faith, at what point in history will humanity reconcile the evil of the world and actually do something about it?