Introducing Raven Squad Army

Introducing Raven Squad Army
Photo by Jan Zinnbauer / Unsplash

Introducing Raven Squad Army

by Project Apario

Join the Raven Squad Army today if you want to use the power and knowledge of your OSINT research and apply it kinetically to the real world in a legal, safe and effective way that will be the change that you seek, rather than waiting for somebody else to do it for you. A subscription to the Raven Squad Army gives you Membership Status and insider information and influence on the peer to peer distributed Project Apario that can run anywhere in the world by anyone and connect to the global information network. The Raven Squad Army is the backbone of the Project Apario movement and everyone in it, are enlightened and hyper intelligent over their common citizen neighbors.

The story of Project Apario began in 2017 when President Donald J Trump released the JFK Assassination Files. In 2019, Andrei Merlescu began the development of a Ruby on Rails web application that would become PhoenixVault in July 2020. The project was ambitious, but aimed to offer a simple search interface that interacted with the full text archive of the JFK Assassination Files, as released by the National Archives. However, there was a problem with the JFK Files that made the project ambitious, and that was a mandate coming from Foreign Countries via the United States State Department in which pressure was applied to the State Dept to coerce the National Archives to suppress the release of the JFK Assassination Files. It was there way of not giving you the information, but giving you the information. It was cheeky and clever and highly communist of them to do, but that's okay because that's where the Raven Squad Army comes in. We step on communist plans in their tracks and defeat them with technology.

In order to censor and suppress the truth of President Kennedy's Assassination from the public, the Deep State agents in the Trump Administration sought to undermine the intelligence of the general public by releasing over 500,000 pages of the highly anticipated JFK Assassination Files completely unsearchable with irrelevant metadata exposed in a 6MB Excel Spreadsheet that would crash your laptop if you didn't have enough memory. They think you are stupid. They think you are lazy. They want you to be stupid. They want you to be lazy. Don't let them win. They are evil. Do something. Join the movement today and become effective. But if you think you are okay with NOT supporting the Raven Squad Army, then try doing some real OSINT work yourself, shall you - let's begin with the JFK Files... go on over to and check them out... once you think you're cute and you've selected a PDF that is just random digits of the catalog ID number from, you are then presented with flattened images of extremely poor quality scans of the declassified records. Good luck reading through them. Good luck finding what you need. Good luck. That's all I can say to you, is good luck.

But you're smarter than that and the Raven Squad Army got together in 2020 and supported PhoenixVault with over 120 paid subscriptions, many over $99.99/mo - funding the servers required to operate the Phoenix Vault for the full text searchable JFK Assassination Files. Despite that support, the State Department was pissed off that I built the search engine for the JFK files single-handedly in a month AND HAD YOU BY MY SIDE! We were using Patreon to support the service and had several social media influencers who were raising awareness of the project's progress and delivery. Before the project was ever released, dozens of show commentators shared with their audiences of tens of thousands each that the service was coming; that was YOU, the Raven Squad Army, responding the call to join now. You joined before the service was online and you funded the operation for its launch. The site launched and we royally pissed off DHS because of it.

Do you really think the President Murdering Communists would really be okay with me bypassing the US State Department's pressure applied by those tyrannical morons into getting DHS to claim to Patreon that I was engaged in unlawful assembly on their platform, when in reality not one Raven Squad Army supporter ever actually met face to face in any capacity organized by me. It was an online based, digital research community, dedicated to groking the information the United States Congress voted unanimously on in 1992 that the United States Citizens should be able to read, SEARCH and UNDERSTAND the JFK Assassination Records. Instead, your communist Deep State decided to spit in your face once again as they leave our border wide open and allow endless wars to wreck the very fabric of our Republic. They spit in your face when the hosting provider AND the financial provider behind Project Apario was pressured into deplatforming me.

Clever clowns at the Central Intelligence Agency were deployed to smear me and engage in a psychological warfare campaign against me that involved my adoptive family and my international adoption. However, perhaps you're like me and you actually believe that God is real and that He isn't to be messed with. Well, to put it mildly to you, in the most direct way and most sensitive way I can for you, I was sent by God. You can believe whatever you wish to believe, but this is a fact. It's called God Mode or Beast Mode and which one are you in? I am in God Mode and I need the Raven Squad Army again because Project Apario is on the brink of a major breakthrough and frankly speaking, I REQUIRE YOUR HELP NOW.

I do not need your help writing the code. I need your help supporting my family. I need to finish writing the software and not be controlled by communists with a checkbook who can pay for food on the table. No, we need an Army, no.... we need the Raven Squad Army to return where we have hundreds of small dollar donors keeping the project funded, up to date and enhanced with what you need to become kinetic.

Yes, the objective of the Raven Squad Army is to launch in 2025 a decentralized peer to peer version of the apario-reader and apario-writer applications that will make Project Apario a global protocol of OSINT research. With thousands and tens of thousands of groups of researchers; each of you can use your Raven Squad Army Imp status to get personalized support for your instance of apario-reader and apario-writer through the community, including by me. The objective is simple. I want to connect those instances.

When DHS scattered the Raven Squad Army, we flew off in different directions but were all birds of the same feather. It's time for us to reunite. We had 72,000 followers on Twitter / X as TS_SCI_MAJIC12 (2017-2020 5G [Dis]information Warfare Psychological Intelligence Operation recognized by Q in 3614). When PhoenixVault was launched, we had over 300,000 UNIQUE visitors to the site in the August alone! THAT IS THE KINETIC POWER OF THE RAVEN SQUAD ARMY!

Through the TS_SCI_MAJIC12 LARP (not fake, but live action role play - the role I was playing was myself from the past AND myself from the future), The Raven Squad Army organized lawful kinetic action against the censorship being imposed by the United States Government by calling the White House as citizens to voice our concern with the suppression of the JFK Assassination Files AND our desire for President Trump to keep his promises by releasing the rest of the archives. To date, they still haven't been fully released.

When DHS went after PhoenixVault, they used their Deep State contacts at Twitter to get me deplatformed and receive a permanent life ban on the platform over false and misrepresented reasons. Since X has taken over Twitter, Elon Musk refuses to reinstate TS_SCI_MAJIC12, the heart of the Raven Squad Army, and also suspended the official Project Apario account on the day Joe Biden released more JFK files and apario-reader was finally ready for public consumption.

The communist elements within the United States Government do not want to see Project Apario. Shame, because you did. You wanted to see it. I am pretty sure that you're not down for what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have done to the United States... I pretty sure you're pissed off as much as I am. Well, we can get mad about it or we can get to work. I chose to get to work and learned exceptionally difficult engineering skills needed in order to deliver the apario-reader and apario-writer applications. They don't want to see this thing succeed, which is why THIS must be where we grow; and not in the communist controlled spaces of the internet. This is lawful activity and its the most effective way to defeat them.

No investors. No bullshit. All open source.

The apario-reader and apario-writer applications were running the domain name for a while, which was providing full text search to the STAR GATE SG-1 files from the DIA, however the instance was deleted and has not been restored. This is because I need the Raven Squad Army to help me. I was employed at Warner Bros building automation tooling for Helix Core database, but when Steven Flennory, a Vice President from WBNY called an all-hands meeting to announce a new DEI partnership that requires all promotions to go to those who are non-binary. This was the priority, nothing else. I quit the next day. Told that Vice President's boss, Gary Lake-Schaal to his face, "you need me, I don't need you" and that was all she wrote.

My time at WB was not wasted. I mastered Go. Now, Project Apario can become peer to peer and decentralized once and for all!

Fun fact for you that YOU CAN CONFIRM YOURSELF!

The internal project name for "Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions" was called "Project Raven".

Do you believe in coincidences?

Just... if you'll have me...