COINCIDENCES - October 2024

On the eve of the OCTOBER SURPRISE from the Raven Squad Army that brought the world the first ever fully searchable database to the JFK Assassination Files... Donald J Trump posts about Archangel Michael.

COINCIDENCES - October 2024

Throughout the first Presidency of Donald J Trump and "the pause", the everyday Trump supporter has become accustomed with one of the wildest conspiracy theories out there - coincidences. Many will use these "coincidences" as plausible explanations for unanswerable conditions ongoing by assuming the President is secretly communicating to his supporters indirectly, using coincidences. Is he?

Why are you here?

During the first term of President Trump, before the first year was done, a viral online movement began by the name of Q. Before Q came online, there was MJ12, who set the stage for the Q phenomenon and green-lit the publics willingness to engage in a LARP. All for A LARP, right? Is this all for A LARP? LOL Nope. Project Apario is for realz.

On November 21st, 2019, the Q boards post their 3614th post to TS_SCI_MAJIC12 with the following video titled "Information warfare" that has been played on Joe Rogan (many times) and hundreds of other publications worldwide. The video itself went viral with millions of views but the content was saved and distributed around the internet in a near exponential manner.


Original Source Link (WayBack Machine)

The exact number of views of this video is unknown. Its over 10 million and possibly even around a billion, given the widespread viral usage it followed after Q raised your consciousness to the TS_SCI_MAJIC12, a 1st Amendment Protected fictional (fully disclosed upfront) psychological operation that I was conducting AGAINST THE COMMUNIST ELEMENTS OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. Not against the United States of America. For God & Country. To Hell with these commies! They are pedophile vampires coming after your children. Kill all communism in its tracks by keeping your fellow countrymen INFORMED VOTERS, not commie zombies pulling the lever to a rigged voting machine.

When I was doing the TS_SCI_MAJIC12 account, Yeshua was watching over me, but I had not turned to Him yet. When I created the account, I was in the basement of the Dyn Network Services in NH overseeing critical infrastructure for Oracle's OCI acquisition of the DNS product offering. Between builds and boring lunches, I tweeted what was disclosed to me in epiphanies.

I've written about this in the past... and so when you read the posts below, you'll have a better context of what COINCIDENCES are to be believed are really coincidences or dog whistles of an intelligence level unmeasurable. You tell me. The MJ12 account was fun. It was fun for the 72,000 followers to engage and interact with Majestic Messages of Disclosure, live Ask Me Anything sessions with simple Yes / No answers, and much more. We organized and became KINETIC too. Until we released the search engine to the JFK files, then DHS scattered us into the wind.

However, we've all experienced a pause, and I would like for you to take another brief pause and read the replies that I made to a Facebook Group, and then I'll wrap things up with the post from President Trump in what it means for you.

The context of the conversation with Erica was pertaining to her experiences with "Angels spoken with men" incidents in culture. Preserving her privacy, I share my replies with that context, seeking to clarify if what I experienced was as she described, "Angels spoken with men" or not.

Erica replied and gave further details about her experience. Affirming to me in the reply, was her opinion that it sounded like divine intervention to her, but had never heard anybody else experiencing what I experienced as I experienced it. Nevertheless, I replied to her with:

Heavy post, I know... but it was from the heart to another who genuinely was eager to learn more about what God has done for other people in their own lives. It is very inspirational to speak and listen to people who have been touched by God because it's such a profound thing when it happens.

So let me get this straight:

July 1988 - Merle & Cindy Legally Adopt Me On Paper
July 2016 - Michael Trimm Show Started
July 2020 - PhoenixVault Invented (took 17 days to build first draft - 3 years of enhancements)
July 2020 - JFK Files Fully Searchable For First Time Ever (PhoenixVault)
July 2021 - Project Apario Relaunched
July 2024 - President Trump Assassination Attempt

October 2000 - Archangel Michael Tells Michael (Andrei) Its OK To be "Michael" [For Now] - Until the "system that did this to you is taken down in your lifetime".
October 2017 - JFK Files Released
October 2017 - Q Starts
October 2019 - As TS_SCI_MAJIC12, I uploaded the video to my Twitter account. (see above for the original video after its been censored)
October 2022 - Andrei develops Apario Contribution in 30 days
October 2023 - Andrei repackages Apario Contribution as Apario Writer in 3 days
October 2024 - New 28th Amendment for Upcoming DC Mass Casualty Event
October 2024 - Raven Squad Army Launches with October Surprise

November 1961 - President John F Kennedy Is Assassinated
November 2019 - Q Post 3614 "INFORMATION WARFARE"
November 2021 - Warner Bros Games calls Andrei for help with major cloud infrastructure problems with Helix Core Perforce, Andrei accepts the call for help and begins voluntary contractual employment.
November 2022 - Andrei Masters Go Programming Language & Delivers WB Games P4Gopher (7500 lines)

December 1989 - Ceausescu Executed By Military Firing Squad (Headshot)
December 1990 - Andrei becomes Michael
December 2018 - Michael calls for Jesus Christ to help him stop drinking
December 2018 - Jesus Christ told Michael to stop calling himself Michael and return to Him as Andrei
December 2018 - Michael Dies Andrei Experiences Christos Rebirth
December 2017 - Donald J Trump signs EO 13818
December 2023 - Andrei develops Apario Reader in 14 days

On the eve of the OCTOBER SURPRISE from the Raven Squad Army that brought the world the first ever fully searchable database to the JFK Assassination Files... Donald J Trump posts about Archangel Michael.

Is that a coincidence for me? Is that a dog whistle to me? Or am I just a narcissist who has a massive ego who needs to stay relevant. Your choice. Projection is key. I do what I do because I truly want to see an end to global communism, and Archangel Michael said to me that the "system that did this to me" will be taken down in my lifetime. Much of what "they did to me", I don't like going into details and have in the past. It's evil.

Like Job did, suffer but don't turn your back on God because God will use your suffering and your work for His Glory. I suffered for a long time because of the healing work that Yeshua was performing in my consciousness to undo the damage done to me by the orphanage and the mind control therapy I was subjected to.

Will God use what I built? You tell me. It's not for me. I can't do anything really with it. Only God can use it. Will YOU?

AI Generated Meme Picturing Military Gear Cat Wearing Black MAGA Hat

The Raven Squad Army is a peaceful and lawful digital publication by Project Apario that will provide you with on-the-ground KINETIC and PROPHETIC information + actions to end communism in the world. It is done through OSINT and the power of the decentralized network. Its done through connecting all of the Apario Reader instances so we can perform cross-server searches without going through a communist controlled centralized authority. This is grassroots, from the ground up, one disciple at a time, as Yeshua taught. Ideas cannot die. Men cannot stop ideas. Satan cannot stop ideas. Ideas are what inspire *men to deny themselves and see Oneness with God through the Idea that transcends any *man.

That's the crux of the issue that we are at currently; as a collective. We have PhoenixVault now completely open source. Check. We have the JFK files now (most of them). Check. We have more DECLAS coming (literally hundreds of different collections with hundreds of thousands of documents per collection). The Raven Squad Army WILL BE DISCLOSURE.

Why would Q point millions to MJ12, "all for a LARP"? Over 639 pages of Majestic Messages of Disclosure were shared with the world via TS_SCI_MAJIC12 account, and Q themselves called the posts that I was making "Information warfare".

Remember what MJ12 said?

Q > MJ12

Before Q was MJ12. After Q will be MJ12. Future proves past. President Trump knows the truth. Do you? Get your popcorn, frens!


The OCTOBER SURPRISE is about to drop, and when it does, WE THE PEOPLE have the capability to immediately flip the table on the mainstream media by delivering the biggest blow to their communist control structure over the public; the dissemination of factual Government truths that REVEAL the systemic corruption. Journalism is about sensationalizing scandal so you perform a civic duty to inform your fellow countrymen. The noble art of journalism has been lost to Satan who only serves the self. Everybody is chasing clicks. Everybody is tracking impressions. Everyone cares about follower count. I don't. Not everybody does. But it certain feels like it. This is where the Raven Squad Army is unique. We've had ups and downs in terms of attention onto the project. During the pause, I took the well needed time to learn the difficult skills needed to deliver on the promises that I started. Decentralizing the OSINT process but INTERCONNECTING THEM IS THE SOLUTION. The PROOF OF CONCEPT, as I called it, "PhoenixVault" was a 20th Century Web Application. The Apario Reader / Writer are 21st Century Projects. Together, we will end communism by leveling the playing field they use to deceive everyone.

All Knees Will Bow

Future Proves Past.

With Love and Thanksgiving.
Yours Truly,

Andrei Raven Merlescu
Inventor of Project Apario
The Raven of the Raven Squad Army
A Biblical Table-Flip on the IDEA of the Mainstream Media

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