Available Positions

Once we have received enough funding through subscribers to the Raven Squad Army, we will begin the decentralized development efforts of the Apario Reader.

Available Positions
Photo by Nathan Dumlao / Unsplash

Once we have received enough funding through subscribers to the Raven Squad Army, we will begin the decentralized development efforts of the Apario Reader. We are not accepting applications for paid employment at this time. We have no funding yet. However, once we have amassed enough momentum in the movement, then funding these positions will be extremely easy for us to do when we join together as one. Where we go one, we go all.

Volunteer Positions

1x Marketing, Artist & Graphics Designer

We need an independent and creative artist who wishes to give their artwork freely to an Open Source GPL-3 project called Project Apario and support the Raven Squad Army by helping us create marketing assets and social media outreach campaigns. This position will also be responsible for coming up with new T-Shirt designs and other brandable products resell-able on our online store. Contributions made will be used by Project Apario LLC and the Raven Squad Army, licensed under GPL-3 in the Apario Reader repository in the store branch.

1x Staff JavaScript Engineer

We need an independent and self driven competent developer who understanding Vue.JS inside and out to build a front-end interface for the Apario Reader application. The source code contributed to the project will be licensed under GPL-3 and will be Open Source.

The ideal candidate: You are professionally employed full time at an organization writing JavaScript. You have experience with VueJS and use it regularly over the past few years. You dislike the state of the world and want to do something about it, but not get political. Nobody wants to get political. Project Apario and the Raven Squad Army is apolitical and was started by an independent. Disliking the state of the world is normal for all people. Creating informed voters fixes that problem. Project Apario is building technology to serve the public in this domain. If you have a job and also have 10-15 hours a week that you can independently work with design specifications then you're the ideal candidate for this role.

3x Junior Go Engineer

This volunteer opportunity is unique. We are looking for a team of 3 Go Engineers who can work together, support each other, and build amazing software for the community all published as Open Source and GPL-3. This team should already have a sample project they've built in Github for RSA's review. Commit histories must show the contributions of all 3 candidates and the project must demonstrate collaboration between the focus. If a group of 3 junior Go engineers want to come up with a project to build together in order to apply for this role to contribute to the Apario Reader, Erik and I would be glad to hand off independent package development efforts to these small dev teams. Package level contributions to the Apario Reader are licensed either as MIT or Apache 2 depending on their functionality. The team of 3 would consist of the following: 1 stronger engineer, 1 less experienced engineer, 1 qa testing focused engineer. Reach out to us if you're interested in this very unique opportunity.

What do you get out of this volunteer position? Experience that nobody can take away from you. Service to others that changes people's hearts and minds for a better tomorrow. References for employment so you can apply for Senior level positions once you're done volunteering.

Why should you trust me, Andrei Merlescu, in your career? I went to Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston in 2007 and flipped the table on the IEEE Student Branch the first month I got there. The existing President was corrupt and selfish. I staged a coup against him and won, and was reelected President of the IEEE each year I was there, until my senior year when Cisco Systems hired me full time before graduating. I join the group formerly known as the Global Government Solutions group that built the Great Firewall of China. Filled with spooks and high ranking active Generals of the US Military, my telepathic nature taught me much of what I know by virtue of being in their proximity for as long as I was. After Cisco flew me first class to Japan for the OpenStack summit, I started Operation Yokohama that would evolve into Project Apario nine years later. After that experience in Yokohama Japan, I started that effort. It caused me to leave Cisco and join Oracle America to be a Senior Staff Release Engineer at the OCI group overseeing the acquisition of a $500M+ company into the Oracle offering by engineering their release strategy of integration. 4 years of service with Golden Handcuffs personally signed by Larry Ellison, I left Oracle to build PhoenixVault in Summer 2020. In 2021 when I relaunched the platform as Project Apario (after removing all 3rd party SaaS dependencies and rebuilding internals in-house), Warner Bros called me because they faced a very unique challenge in the public cloud that needed the expertise of somebody like me. I told the Vice President Gary Lake-Schaal to his face the day I quit, "You need me. I don't need you. I am here because you need me. I am not here because I want to be. I am not here for me. I am here for you." The reply I got was I wasn't the right gender expression for the role. I thought the left is fighting for equality in the field of gender expression. No. They are not. It's communism. Gary is a communist. Simple. It's okay. I know he needs me more than I need him. I had the balls to say it to his face. So, that brings me here, 17 years of professional experience writing complex advanced technology systems worth hundreds of billions of dollars. When I write software for businesses, they make millions. I love serving. I love using the Word to create. By joining the Raven Squad Army as a Go volunteer, you will evolve into the type of engineer that I am and have the same successes that I had with large organizations. I started my career 17 years ago with a small print publishing company out of Belfast, ME. I was given projects to work on, latitude to make mistakes, and opportunities to grow and serve the publishing industry. My work was internationally known, though not by name. The Publisher was very well known and very loved by thousands. I enabled him behind the scenes. I propelled his publication into the digital era and helped bring a technically challenged generation into the digital information landscape. It was through this small opportunity presented to me, when I was a High School student, that made me into the man I am today. That started as a volunteer. You tell me if I was volunteering. I was earning $10/hr for something that today I can bill $90/hr for. They compensated me in the form of $200/week for many years. I wasn't interested in squeezing money out of them. I knew they didn't have much. They operated on a mission and a purpose grounded in truthful OSINT. I served because I serve OSINT selflessly. I build to serve. Yes, I earned a little stipend. But I frankly that just paid for my gas and my food throughout the week when I worked. If I can do it, you can do it. I want to extend that same opportunity that built me to you so when we have a problem again in the future, and we need a piece of software rapidly made, there will be more than just me ready to serve.


If funding becomes available, and the volunteer work being contributed has exceeded 100 hours of time, then we'll extend an offer to you for compensation moving forward, based on the funding we have available. However, if money is your motivating factor, please do not apply. Your motivating factor should be public service and that alone. I, Andrei, have contributed well over 2000 hours into the project from start to finish acting as a Principal Architect to the platform.

Chain of Command

All contributions to Project Apario are approved by Andrei Merlescu and Erik van Mechelen.

Applying For A Position

Send a copy of your resume and portfolio to writer@hey.com or andrei@ravensquad.army today and if we think there is a strong fit, we'll invite you into a private Zoom call with Erik and myself for your interview.