America's Comeback
Introducing America's Comeback, an online community powered by Invision Community dedicated to America's Comeback. The Lord is calling upon you to be the change that you seek and turn your face back to Him. Once you are ready, walk with us as we watch America's Comeback with our own eyes.

The website is very simple to remember...
Invision Community is powerful software that gives me the ability to provide to you a Club Directory such that you too can create your own clubs - and even charge an admission fee where you earn 83% of your subscription directly; thus you can run your paid community directly on America's Comeback community.
Project Apario has given Ghost a fair try, and we have found that it simply does not function in the manner that we require, as our alignment to its purpose is not 1:1. If Raven Squad Army were to remain a publication only, and not attempt to intersect support into the subscriptions offered; it removed your ability to leverage direct benefits - however Invision Power Community grants you immediate access to private resources that are dedicated to your support. For instance, the Power Admins group is for the Imp subscribers on Raven Squad Army. These are your administrators of the apario-reader instances who want to have access to the Power Admins community club... in that club, your posts are between yourself and other Power Admins ; who are your peers running Project Apario's software for their own community. Here, you can get transparent (posts are public to group members) for the support that you require.

The Premium Support channel is a middle tier between the Raven Squad Imp and the Unicorn memberships. It's for those who want to have instances of their own, but want Premium Support for their instances. This level of support gives you a notification line directly to me. If your instance stops working, or something isn't behaving properly; this is your directly line to get 1:1 support in a manner that is private. Posts in the Premium Support channel are dedicated support threads between Premium Support Moderators/Staff and our customers.
The Rocky 9 Linux Tutorials club is free to join, alongside The Meek.
Community members can create Clubs too! Erik created one for Project Minnesota, and you can create one for your projects as well.
The Ultra MAGA Support club is the managed Unicorn service offered on Raven Squad Army ; this is the preferred commerce endpoint for managed support to your own instances of Apario Reader / Writer. This means, you don't want to be setting servers up and running commands; but you want to hire me to do that for you on behalf of you. Hiring Project Apario in this capacity by joining this club, grants you a line directly to Project Apario to establish not only what your instance needs to have in it, but that you experience that 1:1 connection here in this dedicated community.
Lastly, in terms of Clubs, is the $10K KLA$ club that simply costs $10,000/month to join because you have $10,000/month to spend on a club membership and wish to only talk with others who are in that same rank as you. When I was praying to the Lord on how to provide the best possible service for all, this was an opportunity that he presented to me and said, build it and they will come. Those who wish to support the OSINT 3D to 5D being manifested by sowing large seeds into the decentralized development effort, this is your chance! And when you do, you'll gain access to this exclusive club. All posts in the club are private to Club members only.

In addition to Clubs, Invision Community offers Blogs that permit you to create your own long-form blog on America's Comeback. Perhaps you've been working in efforts for America's Comeback and you're finally ready and willing to share your testimony ; share your progress ; and share your journey ... then this is your calling right now to create your own Blog on America's Comeback and to be the change you truly seek.

Outside of Clubs and Blogs are the public forums that will be the focal communication point for those who are not using the platform to divide and conquer through the use of the Clubs and Blogs functionality, but wish to commune together regardless of club or blog membership and communicate openly in the Towne Square. When things happen in America, the Towne Square is your place for grounded truth knowing that ulterior agendas are not tolerated here by Project Apario and the platform must be leveraged to facilitate positive growth for America's Comeback that delivers a biblical table-flip on the idea of the mainstream media being limited to 3D thinking and expanded into 5D thinking ; when that happens, their control over you ends.

IPS Community also has Galleries in it that will allow community members to further connect and collaborate.

We can use the platform to schedule Events. We can use the Galleries to share photos of the events in albums. We can use the Clubs for event membership access and club deliberation on event coordination. With Invision Community, we can do this. With Ghost, we were locking ourselves in a box that was forcing our communications to go through Mailgun who was cybersquatting on validating the domain name, because it doesn't align with their companies policies. Instead, they have stonewalled and gaslight me on "your DNS still hasn't updated" and other excuses, but in reality; it was just a sign to me that Ghost isn't what I need. I require Yeshua. Well, sometimes, we have to use our faith to find Him.
12 years ago I started sowing seeds annually into Invision Power Community, the company behind this incredible software. I supported their supports and paid for licenses even when I wasn't using the software actively for any tangible purposes. I leveraged it for a period of time for the Michael Trimm Show, but never facilitated the community directly on the software itself, as I relied on microblogging platforms like Twitter / X and video streaming platforms like YouTube to build my community; and as such when I released the Invision Power Community software for the Michael Trimm Show, I was in turmoil over my identity and refused to invest the time into it over that lie.
However, all lies are revealed with Yeshua when you surrender your life to His Perfection and Holy Template of the Perfect Human; so too then you start to emanate that Christ light within as Yeshua did so effortlessly. For us, we have generational curses holding us down beyond our mind's own ability to perceive reality. For Yeshua, He was sent to us knowing this about us to save us from us. Well, my life's journey is guided by Yeshua and I am unapologetic about how that makes you feel. It is what it is, and that's the thing, it can happen to any of us, if you're willing to let the transformation complete itself.

I've also been able to collect each of the Open Source projects that I've built for the community over the years in one place outside of GitHub for a community-focused discussion around the concepts and less around the code. If we need to collaborate on code; the best tool to use for that is GitHub and I encourage you to use the Pull Request functionality and contribute to the project. If you haven't starred the project in GitHub, please do so.

These last two packages are actually standalone applications that can run and compile on macOS, Windows 10/11, and Linux operating systems. The first is a random password generator (command line utility) that allows you to specify entropy thresholds for acceptable passwords. What this means, when a random password is generated, their is an entropy score attributed to the bit strength of the key itself in cryptographic terms. That score bounces depending on the characters in the random string and the length of the string. The variation of repeat characters lowers the enthropic score of the entropy; but this software not only knows that, but is able to prevent you from ever receiving a random password whose entropy strength was not at last 95% of its range when calculated in a random sampling of 10K before returning a new password; which would be the 10,001th password generated by entpassgen to be the new password you want. How many random password generators do this, to care about the safety of the cryptographic engine responsible for delivering you a new password? This password manager also has a multi-million word dictionary of words that it can use to generate word based passwords rather than completely random strings.

Counter does just that. It's a universal command line application that creates counters as hidden files in your filesystem and keeps track of JSON based metadata around the value of the counter. The runtime of the application is sensitive to the environment and environment variables dictate policy around how the counter itself behaves.

So, what are you waiting for? Join today!